Monday, January 19, 2009

I didn't think this day would ever come.....

As I laid my head down to sleep last night, as my breath grew shallow and my eyelashes batted themselves into stargazing dreams, I knew I'd sleep peacefully tonight because of one thing and one thing only.

In a few short minutes Mr. George 'Numnuts, Stra-teg-ery, Mission Accomplished, Heckuva Job Brownie, Waterboarding Is Not Torture' Bush will no longer be President of the United States of America. Mr. Bush will have to turn in his keys to the White House and will no longer play the role of 'The Decider' for any domestic or international incidents.

And we will all be better for it. These past 8 years represent a failure in every level of government that was hereforeto unimaginable. Did anyone ever think we would ever live to see a Presidency that surpassed Nixon's in the scope of pure criminality?

And the mistakes can be measured! In body count (over 4,000 American soldiers dead, est. over 1 million Iraqis dead, Katrina; let's not even get into the amount of civilians killed in the mountains and tribal lands of Afghanistan). In civil rights and legislation (suspension of habeas corpus, extraordinary rendition and detention, warantless wiretapping, abstinence-only sex education, ). In public policy ("There's no such thing as global warming", trying to veto a children's healthcare bill, massive EPA and NOAA inaction and political ). In judicial and executive appointments (Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, John Bolton, John Roberts; the list goes on). The list of what George W. Bush has failed to do or has completely wrecked goes on and on and on.....

Need another mistake of Bush's? CHENEY! This may be his smallest trespass but it warrants mention: How do you shoot someone in the face and get away with it? Not only that, the person you shot apologized to you for getting shot in the first place!

I'm going to leave it to my man Jon Stewart to describe just how delusional and sad our departing president is when he looks back on the 'work' he's done over the last eight years (including all his 77 (that's right, 77!!!!) vacations):

I could go on all day but I don't need to. History won't be the only one who judges George W. Bush. Every living person on this planet will! Good riddance and so long sucker!