Sunday, July 29, 2007

OMG! The future is upon us....

So, I realized today that I haven't updated my blog in over a month. I was so keen to start writing about my life in San Francisco and all the things that I see and experience every day. I had gathered all these articles because I wanted to write how I felt about how I felt about the whole debate on immigration (and how hypocritical I think many who oppose immigration are).

I think what happened is that I overextended myself in other areas of my life and as a result I lost focus on what I have to say. I was too busy worrying (stressing more like) over a temp-to-hire job (which I didn't get :), paying rent and just life in general.

So my focus slipped and now I've finally remembered what I wanted to say.

The future. It is a funny thing indeed. We are given no hint of what to come; even thought out predictions can fail to actualize. What I've failed to accept (even today I am struggling with it...) is that we have no real control of the future; there are too many outside forces that overwhelm the abilities of a single individual.

The only card we as individuals have to play is free choice. We have a choice in the decisions we make for ourselves. Nothing else. No matter how painful or scary it may seem we have to go forward with whatever decisions we choose to make. Whether it works out in our favor or not. Shit happens to everyone.

The thing I value the most out of any decision I've made it is that there is always a lesson to be learned from it. In retrospect, I can always say that everything happens for a reason; even when I don't understand it at the time. I grow from my lessons.

Enough ruminating from me for today. I've got a nasty cold and need to get some sleep before tomorrow!