Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jesus, I haven't posted in a long time!

Haha! I was posting on my friend Kathryn's page, when I decided to check my own. 6 months is a long time to not detail my musings on life or random encounters. (Especially since everyday I encounter a scenario that leaves me in either a state of giggles or a state of befuddlement). The pressure of it all, my desire to be minutely detailed and project novel gravitas... oh fuck it.

No amount of big words is going to change the fact that I lack discipline when it comes to posting. Don't get me wrong. I write everyday. But I spend so much time brooding on a certain state of affairs that I convince myself that my blogging is a trifle best left un-indulged?

I have a reoccurring debate in my head. Its fierceness mirrors my moods:

In the back of my mind, I always ask aren't brilliant people supposed to be tortured? Hasn't their inability to rise from the depths of despair given the world great art forms over the recent millennium? Isn't the realization that one will never be satisfied, enough to make one stop bullshitting and convey to the masses the truth of human emotion, no matter how dark a place the artist had to go to in order to create their masterpiece?

The front of my brain counterattacks. It questions whether great sadness is simply too easy from which to drawn inspiration? It ponders if optimism is a road better traveled but if it too is a road rife with potholes?Why Sunshine and Inspiration do not give their gifts freely? Are the pursuits of these rare gifts a tacit agreement that when an artist is finally rewarded with them, the greater affect of the final art product will be the universality that will allow the artist to connect with audiences living or yet to be born?

Again, I digress! Anyways, my problem is my lack of discipline. And my persistent thinking that only life-changing events are worthy of chronicling. Yes, they are worthy. But it is the in-between written observations that fill in the sides of the turkey platter we call 'life' and make for a better meal/story.

Oh wait! What was I gonna write about? I've forgotten in my 'musings'. But I will begin again tomorrow with any trifle that warrants my attention to blog about! Happy trails!