Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nosy People

Normally, I'm an even tempered person. I don't really get upset without reason (I'm sure somewhere, I have friends going "Right....."). My reaction to this incident may have been the result of her rudeness, my sensitivity. Or it could have been..... because I was STARVING. And we all know, that hunger makes you cranky!

So, I was standing at the bus stop today, minding my own business, waiting to go home. I started unwrapping this leftover portion of a falafel from lunch on monday. I was starving! But in the process of revealing my golden nugget, this older woman standing next to me, turns to me to say:

"Excuse Me. But do you know that there is no eating allowed on the bus?'

"Yeah. That's why I'm taking a bite now."

She turned away and almost immediately began a conversation with another lady next to her who was into knitting.

However, the entire time, only one thought(s) kept running through my head:

"Hey, fuck you lady! Do I look fucking retarded?! I take the bus every day! Don't you think I know that I'm not supposed to eat on there?! You see me every fucking M-F and do you see me eating on the bus??? NOOOOOOO!"

So step off Bitch!

I felt kinda bad for calling this older lady a bitch so late in the day. She seemed like a relatively decent, composed woman who was well dressed.

But that didn't give her any right to but in where her opinion wasn't wanted and wasn't solicited.
Besides, why did she care so much? It was only a freaking falafel!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Save a Tree, Start a Blog (Just Kidding)

So this is my first blog posting.!Its weird because I can't believe I waited this long to do something that is really quite simple! I'd like to thank my good friend Kathryn for encouraging me to post my thoughts and ideas in an open place.

I guess the foremost thought on my mind is: what a difference a year can make. I'm in a completely different place than I was last year (litterally and figuratively). I think what I'm feeling is something akin to the realization of happiness. To what degree, varies from day to day. But it lingers and its growing stronger. I hope that it will propel me to try new things. I also want to...well, I want a lot of things. And things (good and bad) come to you in due time.

I have to go grocery shopping but I will be back to post something tomorrow. To anyone reading this, I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday!