Monday, September 3, 2007

Enough Bullshit - Declaration of Independence

The title of this post says it all.

Actually. I don't think it says enough because I feel the need to fill in exactly why I'm saying enough bullshit. I am declaring myself independent from all that I consider false and a detriment to who I am.

For the past couple of years, I have tried (in vain) to adjust myself to the ideal that 'we all need to put on a face for the outside world'.

For me, being nice for the sake of appearances translates to being fake.

I've had enough. I cannot be fake. If I feel like being nice, fine. I don't consider myself a mean person in any respects. I am respectful of everyone I meet. But pretending and keeping up appearances is exhausting and time consuming and I just don't have time for that shit in my life.

As a person I can only do so much. I realized that, subconsciously, there has always been a limit to the amount of ass I'm willing to kiss. I had spent a unbelievable amount of energy and time assuaging others' feelings. I reached my limit this year and I am at the point of no return.

What I'm saying explicitly is that I am done trying to be someone that I'm not.

I'm not going to be fake, a bitch, a brown-noser. These attitudes go against my core values. They represent what I feel is significantly wrong with the direction that American society and our institutions are going in.

Bullshit is supposed to be the oil that keeps the train of society running.

If that is the case, let me off at the next stop.

Over the years I've met a number of people who believe that not being yourself/adjusting your moral compass, are how you get ahead in the world.

Fuck it. Forget about the next stop, I'm throwing myself off the train right now! in protest!

I have to say what I mean. I have to pursue the ideas and things that interest me without fear that it ruffles someone's feathers. I cannot abide by idleness, ignorance and most of all, cowering complicity.

My message to those who believe that being fake will make you're life easier: ENOUGH WITH THE BULLSHIT! Because that's what it is to me. I prefer the ability to look myself in the mirror and know that I was true to myself.

To that same audience: ENOUGH WITH THE PROPAGANDA AND THE MARKETING! Stop trying to sell me on shit that you know stands in direct conflict with how I engage with others, what I take at face value. Stop trying to convince me that this is how the world works because I don't agree. In my opinion, its the fucking root of the problem.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "You must be the change that you wish to see in the world".

I'm choosing to change myself. I choose to turn around and walk away from the dire road that I have the potential to head down if I continue listening to bullshit advice. If I try to be everything that I'm not.

One thing that I am not is fucking selfish. The whole 'Looking out for number one' attitude is exactly why millions of people (citizens and non-citizens) keep getting the shaft, fucked mercilessly by a economic system that favors those who want to keep most of this country's gains for a select few. And I say few, I mean FEW (to the tune of a couple thousand fucking almost 300 million people).

To all the naysayers: The fucking jig is up! So fucking stop it! Stop being a bunch of cunts and start giving a real fuck about somebody other than yourselves. Karma is a bitch but she's usually a prompt guest. Don't forget it!

Declare your independence! Stop the flow of bullshit!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Dude. MTV is crap. What are the VMAs again? :-P