Thursday, October 11, 2007

Must publish more...funny stuff!

Oh no! Life has become my ultimate excuse. I made a promise to myself in August that I would write in my blog every other day... clearly that August promise was my belated new year's eve resolution...clearly broken but not without hope of being fixed!

So, here are some funny/cute things that I've seen this week (or week past):

1. Passed by the Burberry store on the way to meet a friend for lunch. Looked in and saw a toddler crawling all over the couch in this very expensive store. Made me laugh at the trivialness (is this even a word?) of expensive things.

2. Saw my local health food grocer/owner ordered his dog (or maybe someone else's dog) out of the store, the second it got beyond the kettle corn display. The dog proceeded to go bug the people crossing the street around the corner of the store.

3. Watched a hilarious episode of Real Time with Bill Maher. The guest for the night were Cornell West and Mos Def ( I'm paraphrasing a bit here: Mos Def on Osama Bin Laden, "If someone wants to fuck you up, they're gonna do it! They will be doing it to you! Ain't nobody gonna send you a tape talking about "I'm a fuck you up when I see you")

(Mos Def on media paranoia: I don't believe in labels used to scare people: black vs. white, jewish vs. muslim, autobot vs. decepticon, I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! : ) .

That entire episode was some funny shit!

Watch it on Youtube at (Hint: start at 7:25 minutes)

4. Me and my friend Ray Ray comparing our ability to 'suck in our chubs' while wearing high waisted pants. Even after the girdle was added! Sexy!

5. How many Halloween packages of Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Kids I can eat in a half hour period... gross!

Ok, that is my post for now. I'll get back to you when I've had some sleep!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

In regards to #5, I am addicted to Twizzlers Nibs. I'm in charge of ordering the snacks in the office and there are PLENTY of Nibs. Until the 2nd day after ordering. Because then they are all in my belly.